Establishment of the society

Restitution and intensification of cooperation between geographers and geographical societies of Serbia (SGS) and the Russian Federation (RGS) was encouraged by the interest of Sergey Katikov, Advisor of the President of Russian Geographical Society, who is in charge of international cooperation. During 2014, extensive correspondence was performed between the administrations of Serbian and Russian Geographical Societies and an achieved agreement about cooperation was formalized by signing a general convention on business and technical cooperation. The agreement was signed during the first visit of SGS’s delegation (Zora Živanović and Miroljub Milinčić) in Moscow in early October of 2014. On behalf of RGS the agreement was signed by the president Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu and on behalf of SGS by executive board member Miroljub Milinčić who was authorized by Professor Emeritus PhD Stevan Stanković. The signing of the agreement was carried out as an occasion during the First Festival of Russian Geographical Society. In early November of 2014, a delegation of SGS made the second visit to their colleagues in Moscow on the occasion of the awards and recognitions of RGS. At that time an initiative was proposed to open a development center of RGS in Serbia.

On the occasion of the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between RGS and SGS, Moscow - 01 October, 2014

Extract from the alternatively rich correspondence between the RGS and SGS

During 2015, representatives of the RGS made four five-day long visits to SGS and to the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography. Further cooperation between the two societies was initiated, negotiated and developed during these visits, as well as cooperation with RGS’s regional departments. At the same time, the correspondences between the two societies about this matter become more intense. In early October of 2015, during one of the visits, a RGS’s delegation (Artem Manukyan, Executive Director, Sergey Katikov, Advisor to the President for International Cooperation, and Vyacheslav Eremev) solemnly handed membership cards to Emeritus Professor PhD Stevan Stanković and to Professor PhD Miroljub Milinčić. On this occasion, a model for future cooperation was agreed through the establishment of the Development Center of Russian Geographic Society in Serbia.

On Monday, October 17, 2016, the official opening ceremony of the Development Centre of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held at the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by the President of Serbia Mr Tomislav Nikolić, Vice President of the Russian Geographical Society and President of the International Geographical Union (2012-2016) Professor Vladimir Kolosov, Rector of Belgrade University Professor Vladimir Bumbaširevi, the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin, vice-rectors, deans, professors and students. Many representatives from the economic, cultural, religious, political and military milieu of the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation have also attended the opening ceremony. A diverse cultural programs were held including photo exhibition "Russia beautiful country", a film depicting the history of the Russian Geographical Society, "Španac" - Musical Academic Cultural Society at the University of Belgrade, singer Ljubomir Ljuba Manasijevic and others. The Agreement on cooperation between the Russian Geographical Society and the Development Centre of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia were signed.


A written message of the President of  RGS on the official opening of Development Center RGS in Serbia

At the ceremony, speeches were held by Vice President of the Russian Geographical Society Professor PhD Vladimir Kolosov, President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Tomislav Nikolić, HE Russian Ambassador in Serbia Aleksandar Chepurin, Dean of the Faculty of Geography Professor PhD Dejan Filipović, and Director of the Development Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia Professor PhD Miroljub Milinčić. A written message of the President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu was read to the participants. President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić received a membership card of the Russian Geographical Society.

Media coverage on the opening ceremony of the Center – see more
Photo album
Photo аlbum
Photo Tanjug
Video Таnjug

On February 17th 2017, the Council of the Development Center of the Russian Geographical Society was formed in Serbia.
Members of the council are:

Dušan Bajatović, President of the Council
Vladimir Kolosov, Deputy President of the Council
Branislav Grujić, member
Slobodan Srećković, member
Dejan Pavlović, member
Emir Kusturica, member
Radojka Kovač, member

Photo albom
Sputnik (21.02.2017)
Sputnik (22.02.2017)
News on the site of the Russian Geographical Society
Sputnik - Interview

On February 9, 2018, at 2 pm, a meeting of the Council of the Development Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. The report on work and the financial report for 2017 was submitted. The work plan and the budget for 2018 were adopted. A decision was made to amend the Statute of the Center, in accordance with the new proposed name: "Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia". Bozana Ostojic became a member of the Council of the Center.

Презентација - Извештај о раду за 2017. годину
Вести: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

On February 22, 2019, at 3 PM, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. A work report and financial report for 2018 were submitted. The work plan and budget for 2019 were adopted.



On February 21, 2020, at 3 PM, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. A work report and financial report for 2019 were submitted. The work plan and budget for 2020 were adopted. The book on the topic of Russian cultural heritage in Serbia was promoted. The organization and realization of a series of important events during 2020 and 2021 were announced.

Presentation of the work of the Center; Work report for 2019


On February 19, 2021, at 2 pm, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. The work report and financial report for 2020 have been submitted. The work plan and budget for 2021 have been adopted. The Russian edition of the book on the topic of Russian cultural heritage in Serbia was promoted. Also, other editions of the Center that were created and printed in cooperation with partners from the economy: the textbook of the Russian language for adults (basic level) "Ни пуха ни пера" and a bilingual book called "Brotherly story of the love of two nations". The announcement was made about the organization and the realization of several important events during 2021. and 2022.


Work report: presentationannual report

Media in the Russian Federation on the award ceremony

Media in the Republic of Serbia on the award ceremony: 1, 2

Photo album


On February 4, 2022, at 3 PM, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. A work report and financial report for 2021 were submitted. The work plan and budget for 2022 were adopted. The composition of the members of the Council of the Center for the mandate period 2022-2026 was confirmed.:
           Dušan Bajatović, President of the Council
           Vladimir Kolosov, Deputy President of the Council
           Emir Kusturica, member
           Branislav Grujić, member
           Slobodan Srećković, member
           Dejan Pavlović, member
           Radojka Kovač, member
           Božana Ostojić, member
           Milinko Cicmil, member

Work report, News on the RGD website,    Media : 1, 2 SESSION OF THE COUNCIL

On February 24, 2023, at 3 PM, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. Representatives of the RGS from Moscow and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Serbia attended the Council session. A work report and financial report for 2022 were submitted. The work plan and budget for 2023 were adopted. It was proposed and supported for membership in the Council of the RGS in Serbia for two more members: Dragiša Martinović and Filip Đoković.  

Work report ; Presentation  2022; Presentation 2015-2022; Held exhibitions - table; Photo album; RGD website; Held exhibitions - map


On March 1, 2024, at 2 PM, a session of the Council of the Center of the Russian Geographical Society in Serbia was held. A work report and financial report for 2023 were submitted. The work plan and budget for 2024 were adopted. An initiative for amending a member of the Statute regarding membership in the Council of the RGS in Serbia for two more members: Dragiša Martinović and Filip Đoković, was proposed and supported.. 

Work report; Photo album; Held exhibitions - table, map;